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Music teacher/ lecturer, teacher educator, coach and mentor, community choir director and singing for health leader. 

Professional experience: 

2023 Orff Society UK, faculty member, International Summer School, Liverpool 

2022-2023 AIM (Academy for Impact through Music): coach for music teacher development programme, faculty member, Lisbon Residency 

2022 Queens’ University Belfast, two days immersive Orff training 

2021-22 Huddersfield University, teacher training 

2005 - 17 Head of Creative & Professional Practice, Royal Northern College of Music management & co-ordination (staffing, monitoring, budgets), curriculum development, (employability, impact), quality assurance (placements) lecturing (self-reflection, evaluation, music pedagogy), staff training, outreach projects, placements (mentoring & feedback), safeguarding & child protection, responsible for leading a team of 20 tutors and 40 mentors. 

1995 - 2005 Trinity College of Music, Senior Lecturer. 

1991 - 2005 London Philharmonic Orchestra: Education Consultant 

1991 - 1994 Goldsmiths College, University of London: Lecturer, part-time 

1987 - 1991 London Philharmonic Orchestra: Education Officer 

Qualifications & professional memberships: 

2003 - HEA (Higher Education Academy), Elected Fellow 

1995-2000 NAME (National Association of Music Educators) 

1983 Certificate in Music Education, Southlands College 

1980 B.Mus (Hons), Goldsmiths College, University of London 

Kate has over 40 years of experience in teaching music to children, young people and adults in many different contexts: school, college, teacher education, continuing professional development. She is former Chair of the Orff Society (currently, Deputy Chair and editor of the Orff Times). She has contributed to many publications and resources which focus on creative music teaching and learning using the Orff approach. Music Connections (1995) written with Stephen Chadwick is still available to buy and provides practical music making activities for all primary teachers. 

Kate is writing a biography of Margaret Murray who established the Orff Schulwerk Society UK in 1964 (now called Orff UK). Margaret’s life work was promoting Orff Schulwerk in the UK by running courses, writing articles and as importantly, translating many German-language articles and books into English. Two articles about Margaret Murray’s early life have been published in the IOSFS Journal.

Kate Buchanan

Board Member


Kate Buchanan

Frohnburgweg 55
A-5020 Salzburg


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